PLANYA at Trowbridge Weavers Market in June 2024

We returned to Trowbridge Weavers Market with an improved No Lamb Masala recipe with a pairing with a tangy Mint Chutney and then then left it at home.

We proudly setup our brand-new colourful PLANYA banner, Louise tied the bunting and reinforced the signage.

We were now on the other side, only ever having visited markets in the past, it truly was a wonderful experience, an opportunity to meet new people and serve the community.

Our little gazebo adorned with our new PLANYA banner.

Then an hour into the cooking, it hit me!

It was like that famous scene in Jaws with the Chief sat on the beach and camera zooms in (Zoom, Track, Reveal it think it’s called), I had forgotten one key ingredient for the No Lamb Masala.

For a whole second I thought of leaving it, but decided it was too important. I fast walked home at a blistering pace and phew ! Disaster averted.

I was just musing about the combination of the No Lamb and Mint Chutney. The Mint Chutney was the last item I made the night before. I was trying to re-create the taste of my childhood, something my mother used to make, and I remember absolutely loving it.

Live performance were wonderful.

“Where is the mint chutney?” Louise asked. I had forgotten that too!

Zoom, Track, Reveal!

We did have a list, but I we need to pay attention to all the small items too.

This time Lauren volunteered to fast walk home! Miraculously she found it.

I’m so glad she did. When offering free samples of the No Lamb, I added some chutney to the pots. The reaction was phenomenal. Wow!

Lots of people said that they couldn’t believe the No Lamb Masala didn’t contain meat. And some customers wanted to buy the mint chutney to take home. We pretty much sold out that afternoon with a just enough left for our tea.

Food warmers: A view from inside (taken in May’s market).

Thank you to everyone that came to see us, including the couple all the way from Argentina! To our regular customers and those that gave us a chance can we extend our heartfelt thanks,

Thanks again to Trowbridge Weavers Market volunteers and Green Top Markets for hosting us.

For July’s market, we shall make a few extra portions and simplify the menu (Oh and take some pictures of the food!). Until then, take care.


Our (not so) Secret Mission